In this short video clip (courtesy of EWG) Dr Andrew Weil, acclaimed author and medical doctor, talks about how best to reduce pesticide exposure from fruit and vegetables.

Dr Weil starts by explaining that pesticides are essentially toxins. Although we do not know the full extent of what damage they may inflict on the human body, there is strong evidence to suggest that they harm the nervous system, affect the endocrine (hormones) function, and are likely to increase the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

So how best to reduce exposure to these harmful substances found in many foods? The obvious option, says Dr Weil, is to buy certified organic produce – because chemical pesticides are prohibited in organic agriculture (and organic gardening). According to various studies, there are measurable drops in the levels of pesticides found in human tissue after switching to an organic diet.

However, not everybody can afford to buy only organic foods; equally not everyone has access to the full range of organic products. Dr Weil therefore suggests using the ‘Shopper’s Guide’ created by The Environmental Working Group (EWG).

The Shoppers Guide ranks fruit and vegetables according to the levels of pesticide contamination found within each type of food: The ‘Dirty Dozen’ foods listed have the highest levels of pesticide residues, and the ‘Clean 15’ have the lowest levels. Consumers may then make an informed choice about which type of vegetable or fruit should be bought organically, and which type may be purchased as non-organic, based on the straightforward pesticide residue rankings.

Filed under: Organic Kitchen

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