For anyone who is interested in the rationale of an organic lifestyle, this clip called ‘A message from Earth’ tells it like it is. It takes a different approach as not a word is spoken aloud but the soundtrack is perfect though.

The information and statistics create a stark picture of what is really going on in our world. It’s no good for anyone to hide their head in the sand. Do you know how many dead zones there are on our planet? Do you know what is happening to over 70 million agricultural workers worldwide? Do you know who is responsible for what’s happening? Be ready to be surprised.

Just as much as this clip presents some shocking facts about the world we have created and now inhabit, it also reveals solutions. Organic living is a choice you make but has ramifications far beyond your own doorstep.

Actively and deliberately choosing an organic lifestyle means that your actions, purchasing power, and the organic foods, organic clothes and products you buy are all safe for the planet, the workforce, the environment and safe for you. The choices you make can make a big difference.

Filed under: Organic Lifestyle

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